
You can receive general interactions of all possible types with the client event interaction_received. This event passes a Interaction object which you can defer, respond to or whatever you want


# client stuff before
from discord_ui import Interaction

async def on_interaction(interaction: Interaction):
    await interaction.respond("houston we got an interaction")


class discord_ui.Interaction
application_id: int

The ID of the bot application

author: Union[discord.member.Member, discord.user.User]

The user who created the interaction

property channel: Union[,]

The channel where the interaction was created

channel_id: int

The channel-id where the interaction was created

property created_at

The interaction’s creation time in UTC

data: dict

The passed data of the interaction

async defer(hidden=False)

This will acknowledge the interaction. This will show the (Bot is thinking…) Dialog


This function should be used if the bot needs more than 15 seconds to respond

hidden: bool, optional

Whether the loading thing should be only visible to the user; default False.

property guild: discord.guild.Guild

The guild where the interaction was created

guild_id: int

The guild-id where the interaction was created

id: int

The id of the interaction

message: discord_ui.receive.Message

The message in which the interaction was created

async respond(content=None, *, tts=False, embed=None, embeds=None, file=None, files=None, nonce=None, allowed_mentions=None, mention_author=None, components=None, delete_after=None, listener=None, hidden=False, ninja_mode=False) Union[Message, EphemeralMessage]

Responds to the interaction

content: str, optional

The raw message content

tts: bool

Whether the message should be send with text-to-speech

embed: discord.Embed

Embed rich content

embeds: List[discord.Embed]

A list of embeds for the message

file: discord.File

The file which will be attached to the message

files: List[discord.File]

A list of files which will be attached to the message

nonce: int

The nonce to use for sending this message

allowed_mentions: discord.AllowedMentions

Controls the mentions being processed in this message

mention_author: bool

Whether the author should be mentioned

components: List[Button | LinkButton | SelectMenu]

A list of message components to be included

delete_after: float

After how many seconds the message should be deleted, only works for non-hiddend messages; default MISSING

listener: Listener

A component-listener for this message

hidden: bool

Whether the response should be visible only to the user

ninja_mode: bool

If true, the client will respond to the button interaction with almost nothing and returns nothing

Message | EphemeralMessage

Returns the sent message

async send(content=None, *, tts=None, embed=None, embeds=None, file=None, files=None, nonce=None, allowed_mentions=None, mention_author=None, components=None, delete_after=None, listener=None, hidden=False, force=False) Union[discord_ui.receive.Message, discord_ui.receive.EphemeralMessage]

Sends a message to the interaction using a webhook

content: str, optional

The raw message content

tts: bool, optional

Whether the message should be send with text-to-speech

embed: discord.Embed, optional

Embed rich content

embeds: List[discord.Embed], optional

A list of embeds for the message

file: discord.File, optional

The file which will be attached to the message

files: List[discord.File], optional

A list of files which will be attached to the message

nonce: int, optional

The nonce to use for sending this message

allowed_mentions: discord.AllowedMentions, optional

Controls the mentions being processed in this message

mention_author: bool, optional

Whether the author should be mentioned

components: List[Button | LinkButton | SelectMenu]

A list of message components to be included

delete_after: float, optional

After how many seconds the message should be deleted, only works for non-hiddend messages; default MISSING

listener: Listener, optional

A component-listener for this message

hidden: bool, optional

Whether the response should be visible only to the user

ninja_mode: bool, optional

If true, the client will respond to the button interaction with almost nothing and returns nothing

force: bool, optional

Whether sending the follow-up message should be forced. If False, then a follow-up message will only be send if .responded is True; default False

Message | EphemeralMessage

Returns the sent message

token: str

The token for responding to the interaction

type: int

The type of the interaction. See InteractionType for more information

Application commands

class discord_ui.SlashInteraction

An interaction created by a SlashCommand

args: Dict[str, Union[str, int, bool, discord.member.Member,, discord.role.Role, float]]

The options that were received

author: Union[discord.member.Member, discord.user.User]

The user who used the command

command: discord_ui.slash.types.SlashCommand

The original command instance that was used. If you change things here, the changes will be applied globally

permissions: discord_ui.slash.types.SlashPermission

The permissions for this guild

class discord_ui.AutocompleteInteraction

Autocomplete interaction

command: Union[discord_ui.receive.SlashInteraction, discord_ui.receive.ContextInteraction]

The slash command for which the choices should be generated

async defer(*args, **kwargs)

Cannot defer this type of interaction

focused_option: dict

The option for which the choices should be generated

async respond(*args, **kwargs)

Response will be made automatically with the choices that are returned

selected_options: Dict[str, Any]

All the options that were already selected. Format: {"option name": value}

async send(*args, **kwargs)

Cannot send followup message to this type of interaction

value_query: Union[str, int]

The current input of the focused option


class discord_ui.ButtonInteraction

An interaction that was created by a Button

author: discord.member.Member

The user who pressed the button

component: discord_ui.components.Button

The component that created the interaction

class discord_ui.SelectInteraction

An interaction that was created by a SelectMenu

author: discord.member.Member

The user who selected the value

selected_options: List[discord_ui.components.SelectOption]

The list of the selected options

selected_values: List[str]

The list of raw values which were selected